High Cleric
Hit Die
: d8
- Must be able to cast level 7 divine spells
- Spellcraft: 15 ranks
- Concentration: 10 ranks
- Knowledge (Religion): 5 ranks
- Faith
- Any 3 metamagic or item creation feats
Class Skills: The high cleric's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (CON), Craft (INT), Diplomacy (CHA), Heal (WIS), Knowledge [All] (INT), Scry (INT), and Spellcraft (INT)
Skill Points: 2 + INT bonus each level
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A high cleric is proficient with all simple weapons, with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy) and with shields.
Table: The High Cleric
Level |
Base Attack Bonus |
Fortitude Save |
Reflex Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1st |
+0 |
+2 |
+0 |
+2 |
Holy Anointing, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
2nd |
+1 |
+3 |
+0 |
+3 |
Holy Anointing, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
3rd |
+2 |
+3 |
+1 |
+3 |
Holy Anointing, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
4th |
+3 |
+4 |
+1 |
+4 |
Holy Anointing, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
5th |
+3 |
+4 |
+1 |
+4 |
Holy Anointing, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
Class Features
+1 Level Divine Spellcasting: A high cleric continues training in his previous divine class(es), thus, when a new high cleric level is gained, the character gains new spells per day and increased caster level as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved turning ability, for example). This essentially means that he adds the level of high cleric to the level of some other divine spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before he became a high cleric, he must decide to which class he adds each level of high cleric for purposes of determining spells per day and caster level when he adds the new level.
Holy Anointing: each level of high cleric opens up a number of possible anointings the character may receive. Each level the character chooses from the following list (some may require additional skills or feats).
- Holiness
(Requires the Extra Turning Feat): the high cleric can sacrifice turning/rebuking attempts to empower his spellcasting ability. For each turn/rebuke attempt sacrificed, the high cleric can either add the effect of Spell Power +1 (which stacks with itself if multiple turn/rebuke attempts are used for this purpose), add in the effect of a metamagic feat the high cleric knows (the metamagic level modifier must be completely covered by sacrificed turn/rebuke attempts, at a rate of 1 attempt per metamagic level enhancement) or add +1 to his effective caster level (which also stacks with itself if chosen multiple times) for that single spell casting. When adding in metamagic levels with this power, the final, modified spell level of the spell (even though the high cleric does not actually pay for the extra metamagic levels, sacrificing turn/rebuke attempts instead) cannot exceed the highest level spell slot the high cleric can cast. He cannot sacrifice more turn/rebuke attempts than he has Extra Turning feats or high cleric levels (whichever is lower) for a single spell casting (if he took the Extra Turning feat 3 times, for example, he could sacrifice up to 3 turn/rebuke attempts for a single spell provided he was high cleric of at least level 3 as well). This power requires a full round action or an additional full round if the spell normally requires a full round or more to cast.
- Sanctify Items
(This ability requires at least 1 Item Creation Feat and requires either good or evil alignment): the high cleric can sanctify magic items he creates, allowing them to have powers beyond the levels normally permitted. However, all such items become aligned, matching the high clerics alignment (good or evil) and only those of the same alignment can use the items. The high cleric can make the item more powerful, at least for those items allowing a save. The DC of the item’s save can be increased up to the DC the spell would have if cast by the high cleric, but this enhanced DC only applies against creatures of opposed alignment to that of the item. Each +3 DC increases the cost by 50% (so +3 increases the cost by 1.5, +6 increases the cost by 2.0, +9 increases the cost by 2.5, etc.).
- Holy Domain
: the high cleric becomes so devoted to one of his domains that the spells of that domain become part of his general cleric spell list (meaning he can prepare them in normal slots as well). The high cleric can also spontaneously convert spells into any spell on this domain list in the same fashion as he does with regard to cure/inflict spells. This ability can be chosen once for each domain the high cleric possesses.
- Extra Domain
: the high cleric can choose an additional domain from the list of domains allowed by his deity. He gains the granted power of this new domain as well.
- Anointed
: the high cleric adds his levels as high cleric to those of his other classes with the turn/rebuke undead ability when turning/rebuking undead.
- Holy Power
: the high cleric has grown so close to his deity that his spells are infused with holy power. The high cleric always treats half the damage any of his elemental based spells as divine power and holy, which means this part of the spell inflicts holy damage now as well. That also means that the half of the spell with holy damage inflicts double damage against targets with the [Evil] descriptor (or against those with the [Good] descriptor if the high cleric rebukes undead rather than turning them) and against undead (high clerics who rebuke undead inflict no damage from this part of the spell against undead). Finally, the purifying (corrupting) power of the spell also has the chance to cleanse (corrupt) evil (good) powers upon those targeted. If the high cleric also sacrifices a turn/rebuke attempt, then the targets are also hit with a special dispel effect, as if an area Greater Dispelling were cast in the original spell’s area of effect, but only [evil/good] spells are affected.
- Healing/Corrupting Mastery
(Requires the Extra Turning Feat): the high cleric has mastered the use of positive/negative energy and can Maximize the effect of any healing or restorative spell he casts by sacrificing one of his turn attempts when casting the spell. If the high cleric rebukes undead, he can Maximize the effect of his necromantic spells by sacrificing one of his rebuke undead attempts when he casts the spell. The high cleric can also choose to cast such spells which have a range of touch as ranged touch spells with a range of Close (25’ + 5’/2 levels), by sacrificing another turn/rebuke attempt. To utilize both effects on the same spell, requires the high cleric to have the Extra Turning Feat twice. Using this ability requires a Full Round Action.
- Power Over Undeath
: the high cleric gains a special resistance to undead powers and necromantic powers. All necromantic spells, and similar powers from undead, including paralyzing touch, energy drain, ability drain, etc. must overcome the resistance of the high cleric to affect him. This resistance works against all such powers, even those of supernatural or extraordinary origin, as well as those of spell-like powers or actual spell effects. Attackers must roll a caster level check to overcome the resistance of the high cleric (use the caster level if known, or the creature HD/Level otherwise, adding in the turn resistance of the creature for this effect), which is 11 + high clerics effective level for turning undead. When this power is activated (it is activated automatically in response to a power it can block), the high cleric must sacrifice a turn attempt. The resistance then lasts for the same duration a turning does, 1 minute, remaining active over this time. If he has no turning attempts remaining, he cannot use this power.
- Protective Aura
(Requires the Extra Turning Feat): the high cleric can radiate any abjuration spell he casts on himself around his person. The radius of this effect is 5’ for every turn attempt sacrificed when the spell is cast. He cannot sacrifice more turn/rebuke attempts than he has Extra Turning feats or high cleric levels (whichever is lower) for a single spell casting. The spell’s protection applies to all allies of the high cleric who are within the radius of this effect as long as they remain within this area. If they depart, they lose the protection, but they can enter it again and the protection will again come upon them.
- Divine Blessing
: the high cleric gains a bonus to his saving throws equal to his CHA bonus. This can be chosen only once.
- Bonus Feat
: the high cleric can opt to be blessed with a bonus feat of his choice.